Welcome to The Values Group, your expert business consultants!


  • 1.      Buying products and services on the Internet has trained consumers to expect convenience without regard to the type of products or services they seek. 

    2.      Voluntary, favorable comments on the Internet, from people who don’t stand to gain personally makes people comfortable.

    It is not the concept but how to get favorable reviews.  A good plan can make good thinks happen!

  • This is a growth industry.  The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics says is the industry is the fastest growing occupation for the next decade is that of a professional cleaning specialist.

    1.      It is virtually recession resistant.

    2.      It has grown by almost 70% over the last ten years.

    3.      As new buildings are completed, there are more commercial clearing opportunities.

    4.      No company owns more than 6% of the market.

    But, like any business, demographics play a hand.